Wednesday, September 10, 2008

EntryOne. LYN CALLUM. Draft Only.

The droning of teachers really can bore a person half to death. That's why students improvise.

Pretending: To take down notes, to laugh at their dumb jokes, to not be asleep during their lectures.

The list goes on.

By three thirty the bell that ends the school life has rung and most of the students have made it out the door before the teacher.

I supposed I was one of them, on a usual day. But today I was especially slow. I did not want to rush I did not want to have the fast paced rush of adrenaline.

Today was slow on purpose.

I leaned over to the left of my table to grab my bag from its hook. As I leaned over I noticed a small square of cream folded paper sticking out from my bag. On plucking it out of my bag I noticed it had my name written backwards, NYL, on it.

I look around to see I was the only one left. But as I was about to open it I heard the odd sound of my best friend hollering for me. I sighed, tucked it into my pocket, grabbed my sling-bag, and exited the room.

Outside Vix Dale was leaning against the lockers talking to Bob.

Vix had been my friend for four years now. Ever since Hannah introduced us at her birthday and then when we moved into the same neighborhood. Just luck I guessed.

Vix was a wild yet composed person if it was even possible to say that. She was smart and organized but hated to do boring things and liked experimenting in every way.

Look wise she was slightly shorter than me, slightly pale, Ebony black hair until her waist with a long side fringe, and dark midnight blue eyes that sparkled.

She was beautiful. That was what she thought and so did the rest of the school.

Anyway, Bob noticed me and waved. Vix turned around grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the stairs to go down.

After two flights she slowed down. "Thank you... for saving me. God that boy is annoying. Before you came out he was jumping on my shoulders. One day... One day... I will get revenge," said Vix, exasperatedly.

I let out an ah and chuckled. "Yeah, yeah I know. Then he'll have no manlyness cause of castration," I said. She made an "ouch" face and laughed.

"Okay enough about Boob. I want to ask you something. Plaese please say yes," she said. I stared at her curiously, wondering if I should be worried.

"There is a party at my dad's club please please come with me because Charleen has the flu and I have no one to go with. I'll be lonely..." she said very fast.

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