Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More than something else

Amber blinked her eyes open. It was bright, very very bright. She hated bright on any normal day. But right now it was quite welcome. She looked around for Jem, her nickname for Martin. She didn't see him anywhere around her. She only saw green. Trees and bushes. She was in a forest. "F*ck its green," she swore.

She got up and dusted herself of. That was when she saw it. Her hands, they were covered in tattoo like green tendrils that snaked all over her arm. Her eyes went wide. She lifted the hem of her tank top to see that they were on her stomach to. Goin up to her chest as well as down her legs. "Shit," she gasped. They weren't ugly and they didn't make her look completely green. They were thin plant like tendrils that just looped around her gently making shapes.

They were actually beautiful. It creeped Amber out none the less. She took three deep breaths before picking up her bag and moving out from the small flat area she was at. She had no idea where she was going but her gut told her where to step.


Martin woke up underwater. First he panicked but then realized he wasn't drowning.

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