Friday, October 23, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Say the same andthe same andthe same over and over again

Keep spinning


Cause we will
and sing
till your eardrums hurt.

And the night goes on with the lights shining down on our heads as the world comes around and groans to a halt when the snakes climb on before the sunsets zooms on.

And loud and loud and loud & clear we scream the purity and

And on and on and on we moan about the lies and trys or our lives.

When we should all just jump into the sea and live it all now.


Sighs. my life is shortened again. Damn. Lol. Ilove sighing to much. But then again to me its more of a release of breathe.

Its not a sigh when i'm bREATHING.

I'm almost finished reading Nick&Norah's infinite playlist and I have to say, its a book i cannot put down. It is damn fucking good. I love nick and i love i-am-schizo-Norah. And I have to sya I adore Tris as well. She's actually a cool bitch. Ha ha. The movie cannot live up to the book. THe feel is completely different, but the movie is a nice warm funny gay ride with a little 'Iwannaholdyourhand'. In all a damn fucking good movie to.

I letting loose of love and letting go of me. I wanna fly free and wander. I wanna go around and thunder. I wanna see the light i never saw when i said no to walking around. I wanna not care about the way i dress. I wanna a lovable funny bitch of a gal.



Thursday, October 8, 2009

Loving missing hoping snuggling cuddling

Saying that you are when you're not. Saying that you will when you won't. Saying that you were when you weren't.

I hate you for that.

But staying. and holding. and loving. and warming. me. I love you.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Write your words in letters of love on my heart of broken

I dunno what spurged this sudden need to write anything that comes to mind. I'm in ICT (compu. class) writing on my blog, reading my all to favourite fanfictions and looking at ART. I love deviantart. Such eye candy. I could stare at the comp the whole day if I were allowed. AH. I like someone i like somone. I'm sure of it now. so i'm gonna say I LIKE SOMEONE. NYEHEHEHEHE>

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Another round

i do some weird things. jumping from the stairs is one of them .

Friday, October 2, 2009


I have just seen the half of a giant dead bee that my mom has kept and forgotten to tell me about. Its on the end of the keyboard. Its freaky. Ha ha. God. I've just exceeded my credit limit by fifty percent which means I've spent 168. Shit. argh dammit. I didn't expect that from just smsing. eh heeh. I have to stop then. HEllo facebook.

I've got writers block. Again. And Again. and AGain. I can't write much... ugh.