Thursday, August 14, 2008


“Constance Giovanni,” called the teacher. His bright blue eyes scanned the room until they rested on the raised hand. It belonged to a girl sitting right at the back beside the window. Her dark grey eyes pierced his and he quickly ticked her name and moved on. “Darren Sanders,” was next called. The boy asleep sitting next to Constance snorted and drearily raised his gloved hand. The teacher ticked his name as the boy yawned and rested his head on his arms again.

“Evan Baxter,” The dirty blonde boy in front of Constance raised his hand and grinned making the teacher uneasy. Ticking the name and moving on he finished the list in the next ten minutes. The class watched him intently as he shuffled through the papers of their class records. They were the worst class in the grade. But their test results were the best. Their studies were up to date. It amazed most of the teachers that such adolescent students had time to study or even picked up their text books. But they got used to it. Now a new teacher has come and he has to learn, not to mess with his class. He was appointed as their homeroom teacher. The last made a grave mistake and moved into a mental asylum.

When Alexander Emile read this he was not frightened or disturbed just annoyed that they had not told him anymore than that. He looked at the students over again once more and adjusted his glasses. His eyes cold as Constance’s stared at them and his lips curled into a devilish smile. “My name is Alexander Emile, Mr. Emile to you. As you should already know I am your new homeroom teacher. I’m very sorry to hear about your last teacher and hope we will get along better,” he said. Emile leaned against the desk and waited for someone to say something.

The dirty blonde named Evan raised a hand lazily. “Yes Mister Baxter?” “Um… what like subject will you be um… like… teachin’, dude?” he said. Darren snorted awake again and looked at Emile drearily. “Dude… A studs’ in ma room…man…” he said. Constance threw her text book with amazing grace and it whacked Darren smack dab in the face. Darren fell out of his chair and smacked his face on the floor. “The studs’ a teacher, twit. Wake up for god sake,” said Constance. The class erupted in laughs. This was normal for them.

She grinned. Emile blinked. She was grinning at him. His lips curled into a smile. “Thank you Miss Giovanna,” he said politely. “Your welcome, Mr. Emile,” she said. “Ho-SHIT. Did you just?” said Darren. She glared at him again and he slumped down back into his seat. He looked at Constance who was grinning.
This is an interesting class, he thought. He didn’t know the half of it.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It scared him.

He felt for the chair behind him and just let his body fall limply onto it. A chill ran through his body and he shuddered. The room was silent to the maximum. It was deafening to him. There was no sound, no clatter, no breath, no warmth of another. He was alone. Completely alone.

Tears. Hot glistening tears streamed down his cheeks. He gripped the table with such intensety that one would think it might break. His heart was in pain. This pain, he would never in his life show anyone.

He had not cried. Not since he found the body on his balcony. His father's body.

It was cold. Cold and lifeless.

The day he saw the body he cried so much that he could not cry for a another week. The minute he saw the body his own body took control. The tears came out by themselves. He did not even notice until Haiden came to pick him up and found him like that.

He had touched the body. It was cold and soft. Soft like silky tissue soft. Not like human flesh soft.

But that did not disturb him. It was the eyes. His father's glassy brown eyes filled with emptiness. It was as if they followed him. They stared and stared at him. Only him. That scared him the most. Whenever he was alone, whenever he closed his eyes they were there.

Haunting him.


Excrept from my story in progress hopiong you like it. Trying to do description.

Ps. yes I have touched a dead body before. Human.

Monday, August 4, 2008

say PUNK

I do not know why but today people said I looked punk... Hehe just cause I rolled my short sleeves and had only one ring earing in. Sweat.

Oh well. Today was rather tiring. Sick. Had food posioning from some fried rice I ate. Damn I have shitty luck. Ah viv keeps nagging for me to get Facebook even if it private. Yes yes Vivy I will get one. Sometime......=d

Ah manga....

Persuasion. What is the meaning of persuasion. It has many meanings. But you can go and look for them your self.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Nuetral Feeling

Do you ever feel stuck between being happy and something else not close enough to sadness?

Its weird. I do not know whether to still feel upset about something that I should not be about because everybody else thinks I should not. Is that right, I ask you? I am... confused to say the least.
Everything else for me is fine. But I hate men. I hate them and love em. I hate them for hurting me and thinking they did not just cause I smile. But I love them because my heart aches as I watch them. Meaning I still like them no matter what people say.

I am scared.

So very scared.

I do not know how to comunicate well therefore people think I am stuck up most probably. I have no idea how to tell my friends at all. So I write. I write and write and write and draw. I get to see the fantasy I want on the page. I want the fantasy to jump out at me and say 'I am real'. But tha would never happen I realize. My whole world falls on me.
