Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It scared him.

He felt for the chair behind him and just let his body fall limply onto it. A chill ran through his body and he shuddered. The room was silent to the maximum. It was deafening to him. There was no sound, no clatter, no breath, no warmth of another. He was alone. Completely alone.

Tears. Hot glistening tears streamed down his cheeks. He gripped the table with such intensety that one would think it might break. His heart was in pain. This pain, he would never in his life show anyone.

He had not cried. Not since he found the body on his balcony. His father's body.

It was cold. Cold and lifeless.

The day he saw the body he cried so much that he could not cry for a another week. The minute he saw the body his own body took control. The tears came out by themselves. He did not even notice until Haiden came to pick him up and found him like that.

He had touched the body. It was cold and soft. Soft like silky tissue soft. Not like human flesh soft.

But that did not disturb him. It was the eyes. His father's glassy brown eyes filled with emptiness. It was as if they followed him. They stared and stared at him. Only him. That scared him the most. Whenever he was alone, whenever he closed his eyes they were there.

Haunting him.


Excrept from my story in progress hopiong you like it. Trying to do description.

Ps. yes I have touched a dead body before. Human.

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