Sunday, December 20, 2009

Oh my god you hoebag!

HOEBAG is my favourite word. God, I love As Cole turns to Ash. Awesome story. Find it on Fictionpress. Lys, you know what that is. Ha ha. Laugh your fricking ass off Material. Damn Fricking awesome SHIT. Reread it over and over again.

Lyssa was over and we slept at SIX in the fucking morning from playin Gears of War2. HAHAH finished it the next day. Shit tireeeeed. But it was the funniest shit. Playing with ShafiqandLys on Gears of war is like the funniest thing. Lys keeps getting me dead but is kinda awesome for a first time player, even though she can never find me even when I'm right in front of her. -_-

I FINISHED IT, though. ON HARDCORE. It feels so goooood. I know I'm weird but yeah. It's awesome.


Watching from the window
Watching from across the room
Watching from across the bed
Watching from behind
Watching from the window sill
Watching from the Doorstep still

Watching you read a book
Watching you cry from onions
Watching you silently cook
Watching you laugh
Watching you as you strive
Watching you smile with glee
Watching you sleeping peace

Thursday, December 17, 2009

From Death

Candle in the window
cat in the cradle
little boy on the mantle
silly girl on the window sill
pussy willow in the basement jar
furry lentil in a bowl of flour
cookie jar broken on the floor
sighing mother at the bar
crying father not so far
living room door lying ajar
and the windows open
to let the cool winter air
fly throughas the flies go by
and the little boy begins to cry
and the father storms by
and the mother passes by
and the sillydarling girl
jumps out the window

The next day the sun is bright
The next day the mother is sober
The next day son has grown
The next day the fatheris strong
and the small bird begins to sing

There is life from death
move on and remember
the sacrificed
one not
in vain
of the daughter

no title

Your arms surround me
as your lips touch my forehead
as the snow falls around us
and your eyes touch my soul.

I watch the sky cloud over
the darkening clouds begn to thunder
your long unawakening slumber
pains my heart and I sink under.

Your warmth begins to fade
as your touch begins to linger
and the light begins to simmer
as your remains float down the river.

At first I tried forget
then I began to remember
and when the tears flowed
I tried to destroy
and finally the wind blew
and I moved on
to stop
from dying.

Sunday, November 15, 2009



At Lyssa's. Awesomeness. Loving Owl City. Stupid lyssa. addicted to something new. Damn. OH WELL. IT IS AWESOME> Wahahahahaha. Tired and crap but still more hyped than Lyssa. She can sleep like a rock and look like one to. =D That's just lys. Re-reading aNgus Thongs and full-fronttle snogging. Awesomest book. movie kinda sucked. Robbie was such a let down in the movie. =D

Friday, October 23, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Say the same andthe same andthe same over and over again

Keep spinning


Cause we will
and sing
till your eardrums hurt.

And the night goes on with the lights shining down on our heads as the world comes around and groans to a halt when the snakes climb on before the sunsets zooms on.

And loud and loud and loud & clear we scream the purity and

And on and on and on we moan about the lies and trys or our lives.

When we should all just jump into the sea and live it all now.


Sighs. my life is shortened again. Damn. Lol. Ilove sighing to much. But then again to me its more of a release of breathe.

Its not a sigh when i'm bREATHING.

I'm almost finished reading Nick&Norah's infinite playlist and I have to say, its a book i cannot put down. It is damn fucking good. I love nick and i love i-am-schizo-Norah. And I have to sya I adore Tris as well. She's actually a cool bitch. Ha ha. The movie cannot live up to the book. THe feel is completely different, but the movie is a nice warm funny gay ride with a little 'Iwannaholdyourhand'. In all a damn fucking good movie to.

I letting loose of love and letting go of me. I wanna fly free and wander. I wanna go around and thunder. I wanna see the light i never saw when i said no to walking around. I wanna not care about the way i dress. I wanna a lovable funny bitch of a gal.



Thursday, October 8, 2009

Loving missing hoping snuggling cuddling

Saying that you are when you're not. Saying that you will when you won't. Saying that you were when you weren't.

I hate you for that.

But staying. and holding. and loving. and warming. me. I love you.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Write your words in letters of love on my heart of broken

I dunno what spurged this sudden need to write anything that comes to mind. I'm in ICT (compu. class) writing on my blog, reading my all to favourite fanfictions and looking at ART. I love deviantart. Such eye candy. I could stare at the comp the whole day if I were allowed. AH. I like someone i like somone. I'm sure of it now. so i'm gonna say I LIKE SOMEONE. NYEHEHEHEHE>

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Another round

i do some weird things. jumping from the stairs is one of them .

Friday, October 2, 2009


I have just seen the half of a giant dead bee that my mom has kept and forgotten to tell me about. Its on the end of the keyboard. Its freaky. Ha ha. God. I've just exceeded my credit limit by fifty percent which means I've spent 168. Shit. argh dammit. I didn't expect that from just smsing. eh heeh. I have to stop then. HEllo facebook.

I've got writers block. Again. And Again. and AGain. I can't write much... ugh.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I ... don't know. I don't think. I don't eat, sleep, walk, talk, breathe. I can't see. I can't smell. I can't hear the birds chirp. I can't touch the velvet soft of my cloak.

I am dead.

I hate you. I hate me. I hate this world. I hate love.

with. out. you.

I can't see you. I can't feel you. I can't smell you. There's no warmth. No smile. No soft laughter. There's no feeling of happiness. There's only a cold dread. As I search and search and find nothing instead. Of you.

I miss you


Your gone. Your warmth, the scent you gave off. The smile. The laughter. The silly comments you messaged. The lame jokes that made me laugh. The happiness that you brought with you. Everywhere you went. Your messages are all thats left. My inbox hasn't been updated in days.

Did I chase you off?

life. beside you.

I stand beside you staring at the floor. I can feel you beside me shifting. I can smell your warm home smell. I can see your toes wiggling on the floor. I want to look up and match your eyes. I want to see you smile back down. I want to be the warmth beside you.

I'm begining to think being your friend hurts. Because everytime i look at you, you see right through me. Then I know I haven't a chance.

I love you.

drawing. here. sitting. in. your. heart.

I wanna lean on your shoulder. I wanna breathe in your smell. It's like standing in a grassy field surrounded by trees when your around. I wanna make you smile and look at me when you do. I wanna hear you laugh and make that funny face you do. I wanna know your relaxed when i'm around with you.

I want you.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I like Taylor Swift's song. T_T I never thought I'd see the day when I'd like her songs. But sometimes everyone just needs a very cliched song. They're sweet but very commercial. I've just created another blog. For my story since I've forgotten my fictionpress password....

=D please visit. If you read this. Hehe. Hopefully someone's reading this.

Lately I've been stuck in a good mood. But I get more tired as the day go on. I can't wake up without feeling pain. I can't smile without feeling my face sag. I feel down and yet elated half the time.

Yesterday, stayed up late, collaging my wall. It's not done but it looks good. Will post picture.

Posted a story(FINALLY) on Ugh took so long. Seriously. Its called White Shadows. A HPDM. I'm a huge fan. ha ha. SSRL and BZNL as well. heheheh. and a Hermione fan. Whoevers a fan out there PLEASE READ IT! Thx.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Have you ever..?

I don't believe you. I don't want to see you. I don't wanna hear you. I don't wanna feel you. I I don't want to know that you won't be there. I don't want to feel they way I do. I don't need to know you won't care. I don't need you.

I can't feel you. Ican't see yu. I can't touch you. I can't reach you. I can't smell you. I can't even breathe you.

Your gone.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Don't let me go

I wanna hold on forever. Lying in your arms. Taking in your glow.

Friday, April 17, 2009


He watched her. Her long dark auburn wave like hair swish in the air. Her lean curvy body moving to the beat and blending with the many bodies around her. Her eyes closed in concerntration. Her skin shining in the shifting light. The chain holding the small tear drop crystal, hanging around her long neck.

She turned to face him. He remembered.

She had known he was looking. She had always been able to feel that tantalizing gaze on her. So she looked at him. He sat higher than everybody else on a plush chair guarded by his own men. His black hair so striking against his light skin. Thin-framed glasses sat on his hair and he held a wine glass in his hand. His eyes, the ones that made her shiver when they stared at her, were an amazing dark blue. He wore a plain white shirt and black dress pants. His angular, smooth face was smirking darkly.

She remembered.

One step. Two step. Three step. She stood before him. He placed his glass into one of his men's hands without looking away. She reached forward and touched his cheek.

They were complete

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Didn't you know i was waitin' on you?


I just had to do that. was itching to actually.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Troat infections hate me

I really really dislike my throat. I have yet again a sore throat. Three days in a row and i saw the doc today. Actually had fever. I'm doing my Eng project now on Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He is awesome.

(cough. cough)

Download Ne-yo and Kanye West's new albums after mum bought them. Love em' of course. Got a scarf, tube top, medicine...., and my phone is FINALLY repaired. LOL. Took damn long. I so missed my old phone. Keypad is way easier than the one i had.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Jack the ripper. A very interesting topic.

From Hell. A very interesting movie.

Anything else i can think of. . . not very interesting.

I was thinking of my two exs. Two because i rarely ever think of the first one. Anyway, I was thinking of them and which i liked more and i do realize now it was more the want for touch than like. But i did really like one of them and one that i liked more hurt me the most.

I don't know why i cling on to the memories when they can let go.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Throat Inflammation

I hate the KH lab for its Sawdust now. :P I hate going ahem ahem every five minutes. I sound like UMbrige for gods sake. I sigh. the first time i start liking school and i actually get sick. The painting that my teach gave us is finished and actually i'm quite ashamed that it took me so long.

I wonder if she is going to give us the canvas anytime soon. I really want to start that collage. I swear school is awesome now. I rarely feel like its a bother. and i truly have no idea why i sound like such a ponce.

EUgh Argh Gah.

Okay. I feel loads better now. Damn. Cramps.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More than something else

Amber blinked her eyes open. It was bright, very very bright. She hated bright on any normal day. But right now it was quite welcome. She looked around for Jem, her nickname for Martin. She didn't see him anywhere around her. She only saw green. Trees and bushes. She was in a forest. "F*ck its green," she swore.

She got up and dusted herself of. That was when she saw it. Her hands, they were covered in tattoo like green tendrils that snaked all over her arm. Her eyes went wide. She lifted the hem of her tank top to see that they were on her stomach to. Goin up to her chest as well as down her legs. "Shit," she gasped. They weren't ugly and they didn't make her look completely green. They were thin plant like tendrils that just looped around her gently making shapes.

They were actually beautiful. It creeped Amber out none the less. She took three deep breaths before picking up her bag and moving out from the small flat area she was at. She had no idea where she was going but her gut told her where to step.


Martin woke up underwater. First he panicked but then realized he wasn't drowning.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Something else

Someone Somewhere doing Something Somewhat ODD

Amber clambered through the greenery looking for the sack she had just dropped sown a slope. She huffed angrily as she ripped plants apart. She was dead if she couldn’t find that knapsack. Credit cards, extra money, food, water, maps, books, passports, documents, and clothes were all inside. She would be helpless without it. She had always hated trekking, always. But she liked sports and was athletic. Otherwise she wouldn’t have met Jude Lanning, whom she was doing this all for. Amber sat down on a rock, panting.

He was in trouble and she was going to help him. Even if it meant risking her life and leaving everything she knew. Not that she didn’t want to. Her life had been off recently and people were acting odd. She was popular, yes, and lately people had been acting as if she didn’t exist. Her best friends ignored her and her parents went about without her. The only person who was immune was Jude and he had it worse. Wherever he went, people would glare at him, sneer, knock into him and even physically hurt him.

Then it became even worse. His parents attacked him and chased him halfway through town. He was seriously injured and couldn’t go to any hospital. He went to Amber and she patched him up. She held him and comforted him. She gave him the keys to her car and told him to drive to the cabin they spent the last summer holiday at. He should be safe there she had thought.

Amber sighed. She hoped he was doing alright while she was losing herself in the dense forest. They were seventeen and scared and tired and bloody confused. One minute their life was fine and the next thing its gone haywire. She really had no idea what to do. She just wanted to break down. But she knew she couldn’t. Jude was being strong and she needed to help him stay that way. At least until they were better off.

She pulled herself up again and stuck a hand into a large bush. After moving around a bit more she found it wedged between two rocks. She took two gulps of water and checked the map. She was almost at the cabin. Relief surged through her. She could see him again soon and she could have bath.

There was light coming from behind her. She turned and moved towards it. She was almost at the door when it burst open. Jude was standing there, eyes wide and mouth hanging. There was a blast of wind and he grabbed her, trying to get out of the way of whatever was in the cabin. Amber was blinded and then the world went black. The last thing she remembered was a sound of a small pop.